'I Watch My Husband Bonk Our Girlfriend – And Sometimes I Like To Join In'

By Samantha in Relationships On 24th April 2022
Image: cliquebaittvofficial/Instagram

A woman shares how she watches her husband having sex with other women and also likes to join them too.


Jess Demarco and her partner Stephen are in a happy polyamorous relationship – which means for them, there is another woman in their relationship.

The Florida-based couple have been together for 13 years and even though they are not legally married, but call each other husband and wife. 

Why is that?

Image: cliquebaittvofficial/Instagram

They are not married because they want to give equal rights to their girlfriend in their relationship.

And sadly for them, throuples cannot get married legally. 

Stephen is not the only one to get the best of both worlds by living out every straight man’s dream of having a ‘wife’ and ‘girlfriend’ under one roof.

Image: cliquebaittvofficial/Instagram

Jess is also bisexual and shares her girlfriend with her man.


In an exclusive chat with the Daily Star, the Demarcos have spilled all on their polyamorous lifestyle – and have revealed that there is always room for three in the bed, including between the sheets.

Jess explained: “Polyamory is done in so many ways, it’s just the openness to love who you want and to think there is going to be one person that just fills all of your happiness is so slim to none.


“Marriage is failing and it seems that monogamy is not death do us part.

Image: cliquebaittvofficial/Instagram

“I feel like it’s a big freedom thing to be who you are and have people accept you for who you are - that’s what it means to me.”


“Technically we are not legally married, and we do that because in a polyamorous relationship only two people are allowed to be married legally.

"So I would never want her, our potential girlfriend or wife, to feel excluded and that we have something unattainable to her.”

Image: cliquebaittvofficial/Instagram

The duo who also have an OnlyFans often get themselves a girlfriend same page as them and things hit off for them.


Apparently, they not only do everything together in their bedroom but even outside they do and enjoy things together. 

They explained: “At first we do everything together as we don’t want anyone to feel left out and jealous, that's how we try to avoid jealousy. But after we date for a while, whatever they want to do goes.

Image: cliquebaittvofficial/Instagram

“There are a certain couple of days where everybody feels the comfortability that there's no lying or sneaking and she’s comfortable understanding that our relationship is a foundation and she’s not trying to disrespect that.


“She is his girlfriend and I am her girlfriend and then we have moments together so whatever flows naturally.

Despite the couple sharing the same lover, Jess also shares that she is not always up for sex and if she is not interested in men or Stephen it is the end of the road.

Jess said: “When we are together sometimes some girls don’t want to hook up with me. If we know that they don’t like men or me as a person we don’t even date them.

But if the girlfriend is more interested in Jess, Stephen says he has nothing to complain about.

Image: cliquebaittvofficial/Instagram

Stephen explained: “Sometimes if the first night they want to mess around and they don’t feel comfortable messing around with a guy then they will mess around and I will watch.”


And Jess added: “I like it [watching them have sex], it sucks because you’re like ‘I’m not really into it’ right now but when they get going it’s like live porn and it’s like ‘excuse me hello can I get in there’.

“We like to sleep all together and be one. But also, since I’m bisexual it’s also my girlfriend it’s not a separate relationship.

“We are all adults together in one relationship, so we all like to snuggle and sleep together.”