All of the creatures living on Earth have an equal right to live but humans have come to consider themselves superior to all other creatures. Just because we are "smarter" and more technologically advanced than the other animals of our planet doesn't give us the right to destroy them yet we do each and every day. Take a look at some of the poor creatures who have suffered from our superiority complex to the point of near extinction. Hopefully, this will change how you perceive the world around you and everything in it.
10 Critically Endangered Species That Future Generations May Never Get To See
#1 Slender Loris
The Slender Loris is a species that is in rapid decline. Due to people's belief that the animal's flesh could possibly cure leprosy and other superstitions this strange looking creature has already been thought to have disappeared completely once before. With the continued destruction of their habitat and illegal pet trade, the outlook for the Slender Loris is grim.
#2 Magellanic Penguin
Magellanic Penguins are native to the coasts of Chile and Argentina and while their population still numbers in the millions they are considered a threatened species. This is due to the fact that they very susceptible to oil spills and the rapid decline of fish populations in their breeding areas. Combine that with natural predators being unchecked and it's no wonder that these penguins are rapidly declining.
#3 Amur Leopard
The Amur Leopard is one of the most endangered big cats on Earth. Their numbers have been steadily declining thanks to poaching and the over hunting of their prey. When you combine that with the gradual loss of their natural habitat and you have a perfect recipe for a species on the decline. These days it is estimated that only 30 of these beautiful animals remain in the wild.
#4 Irrawaddy Dolphin
The Irrawaddy Dolphin is well known for their dome-shaped head and shortened beaks. Thanks to over-fishing, illegal gill nets and noise pollution causing the dolphins to dive deeper and longer than usual, their remaining numbers are thought to only number in the 40's. Experts believe that there are only 47 of them left.
#5 Spider Monkey
Spider Monkeys are native to Central America where they are known to roam the large forests. Thanks to the massive deforestation caused by the logging industry and land developers these intelligent creatures are facing an uncertain future. They also face danger from humans who hunt them for food and to use in lab studies because of their susceptibility to malaria.
#6 Gooty Sapphire Tarantula
Due to their relatively small natural habitat and the pet trade, these beautiful spiders are thought to be close to extinction. Their natural habitat is a tiny 60-square-mile forested area of India that is rapidly being destroyed due to heavy logging. In the pet trade, the females can fetch upwards of $500 due to their longevity while the males can fetch $100-$200. This has caused collectors to hunt the creature to near extinction.
#7 Philippine Eagle
The national bird of the Philippines, the Philippine Eagle is critically endangered. The Philippines have done what they could to protect the animal by placing heavy penalties on anyone found to have killed with culminating with upwards of 12 years in prison on top of steep fines. Still, the numbers of the bird are declining thanks to illegal logging which has left the birds population somewhere between 180 and 600.
#8 Markhor
The Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan and it is classified as endangered due to its small population of only an esimated 2500. Despite the animal being protected poaching is still a major issue facing the markhor.
#9 Javan Rhinoceros
Of the remaining rhino species in the world, the Javan Rhinoceros is by far the most endangered. It is estimated that only around 40 of the animal still remain, living in the protected Ujung Kulon National Park in Java. The rhino is hunted for its horn which has made it difficult to keep the poor population of the island from killing the animal to make a quick buck.
#10 Vaquita
These porpoises only live in the northern area of the Gulf of California. Their name means little cow in Spanish and they are the most endangered form of porpoise in the world. At the beginning of March of this year, it was estimated that only 12 vaquitas are alive which means it's almost a foregone conclusion that by this time next year this animal will be extinct.