10 Hunting Stories That Will Blow Your Brains Out

By Sughra Hafeez in Bizarre On 25th August 2015


This Belgian beauty and World Cup fan won a modeling contract and then lost it after posting a hunting picture on her social media fan page



TV anchor and presenter posted this on her Twitter feed as 'A great day hunting a lion in South Africa'. She has a series of trophy pictures of various animals like deer, antelopes and alligators on her feed as well.



This US cheer leader posted sparky pictures of herself with a dead lion that she hunted and angered social media so much that people signed petitions for the pictures to be removed


This middle age dentist hunted the lion, Cecil and then posed pictures with it. It is known that he has also slaughtered many animals and put up pictures with them after they died.


A family of hunters who killed a fox and her seven cubs, caused an outrage on social media after they uploaded a picture and alerted various animal right groups


A New Zealand Rugby team uploaded pictures of animals they hunted in 2014 and were subsequently questioned regarding their hunting trip in South Africa.



3 hunters were held for questioning after it was discovered that they killed an endangered species of Albino bull in Canada. This bull was a spiritual symbol for the native people and was considered as very sacred.


Ricky Gervais received death threats on Twitter after this girl posted this picture of herself smiling next to a giraffe she just killed. This created a worldwide outrage on her Twitter profile and she was questioned regarding it.


Rosie O'Donnel posted pictures with a shark and rallied various animal right groups against her family because this picture represents a dead hammerhead shark and this species is known to be a vital component of the ocean ecosystem.



Stephen Spielberg posted a picture alongside a dead Triceratops prop he utilized for his movie, Jurassic Park. Some people went into an outrage saying that this was indeed the real animal. We wish they were kidding!