10 things shaped like guitars that made it big
Country Western singer,Elvis Cardin designed his own dream house into a 3,800 square-foot Gibson guitar shaped structure.

This beast was created by Hollywood custom car legend, Jay Ohrberg. It holds the Guinness World Record for the longest limousine in the world known as the "Git-Tar."

A true mark of love by a heartbroken husband named Pedro Martin Utera, now 72 years old. His wife died and he dedicated the rest of his time making this tribute as a mark of his undying love for his late wife. He grew 7,000 living trees and designed them in the shape of a guitar.

Stairway to heaven? This beautiful and original masterpiece was designed by Indian interior designer, Preetham Dsouza.

When musician John Graham died, his wife couldn't think of a better way to lay him to rest than in a coffin shaped like a replica of his favorite guitar given to him when he was 15 years old.

Guitar swimming pools can be found in every place but its very first kind was constructed in the 1960's at Oakville, Tennessee home for flamboyant country music singer Webb Pierce.

This master piece was designed and constructed by artist and biker Ray Nelson. He holds shows where his show stopping piece is set up to make money from which he donates all to his charity for unprivileged kids called "Guitars not Guns."

This is what you call rocking the boat. In 2008, Josh Pyke came up with the idea to have a personal guitar shaped boat constructed as a replica of his very own acoustic guitar, just before shooting his latest music video.

These are found and available at a Kentucky company called the "Jammin' John". Add one to your loo and find inspiration in a new place.

A married couple constructed a guitar shaped deck that stretched over their backyard pond.