100 Years Of Halloween Costumes In Three Minutes

By Editorial Staff in History On 18th October 2015

#1.1915: Costumes were way more modest... and creepy as hell.


#2.1925: There's was a little more shin showing that year, but seems like they still found a way to creep on the low low.


#3.1935: That's the most haunting Minnie Mouse costume we've ever seen.

#4.1955: When most people think the 50's, they think poodle skirts. But for costumes, people were all about westerns. Pew Pew.

#5.1965: Ohhh yeah, things were getting groovy in the 60's with the birth of the sexy kitty costume.

#6.1985: Toga! Togaaa! TOGAA!


#7.2005: Oh baby, baby. Thank you Mode for hitting us with this one more time.

#8.What will 2015 hold? We think Mode nailed it.