12 Craziest Things That We All Did After Our High School Sweetheart Dumped Us.

By Sumaiya Ghani in Life Style On 17th January 2018

#1 We Cry Like A Baby.

We actually cry a lot.

#2 We get crazy.

We can't believe that our sweet love has ended. Like we promised we would stay with each other till our last breath, didn't we?

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#3 He don't deserve me.

Then there comes a stage when we get extremely angry, like who the hell does he think he is? He just don't deserve me.


#4 Things didn't turn out as expected.

Then when we come to our senses, we realize what we have done. We just can't believe that we are single.

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#5 Let me eat and try to forget my pain.

We realize of all the promises he made. How can he do this to me, like how? All this tension causes us to eat A LOT!

#6 Our best friends console us.

We tell each and everything to our best friends who try their best to console us. "It's okay honey, he wasn't worth you!"


#7 We become numb and rebellious.

Then we become pretty numb. We don't care what's going on around us. We become rebellious, yes that's the right word!

#8 We don't give a damn.

Finally the stage comes when we stop caring for real. We accept the fact that things are different, and that our boyfriend is our ex-boyfriend now.

#9 We make the same mistake again.

And then we make the same mistake again. Our ex apologises and we are like: "Oh my God, darling it's not over!"


#10 This time you really hate him.

What did you expect dear? The one who dumbed you once can certainly dumb you again. This time you really become rebellious. Now you hate him for real!

#11 We finally accepts that love is only a fantasy.

You finally realize the bitter truth that love is only a fantasy. It only happens in romantic novels.

#12 We get a new crush and we are like..

And then comes another boy in our life thus changing everything..again.