13 Amazing Uses For Shower Caps that You Probably Didn’t Know About

By Editorial Staff in Facts On 14th December 2017

#1 Protect plants from the cold

Need garden cloches to protect young plants from the cold, or a mini-greenhouse to start your seeds in? Just poke some holes in a shower cap and slip it over a flower pot.


#2 Store freshly cut flowers

For the party person in you, shower caps can be used to store freshly cut flowers by filling the cap with water and tightening it around the flower stems. This will keep your flowers alive from the time you buy them to the time you hand them over to someone.


#3 Hair dye

Dyeing your hair must be a struggle with the hair keep falling down on your face. Shower caps helps a lot in such situations by keeping your hair tied up. Say bye to the wet dye stain on any other area such as back of the chair or wall. We can even sleep after dyeing our hair without worrying about stains on the pillow.

#4 Camera Softening Filter

Softening filters for cameras, used to give photos a dreamy haze, can be expensive. But you can get the same effect by placing a shower cap over your camera lens.

#5 Protect shoes when you travel

Pack an extra pair of shoes and protect your clothes by placing a shower cap over your shoes in your luggage

#6 Picnic lifesaver

Add some ice to the cap and then put a bowl inside of it, so the cap covers the bottom and sides. This creates a little ice box effect and will keep the contents cool for hours.


#7 Piping bag

If you are doing a spot of cooking and need to ice your cupcakes with a piping bag, simply use a shower cap. Fill the cap with the icing, wind it into a funnel shape, snip the end and off you go.

#8 iPad screen cover

We bring our iPad into the kitchen to refer to the recipes. To avoid it being dirty, cover it with a shower cap! Yes, it can still work with a layer of plastic between your finger and the screen.

#9 Raincoat for your shoes

Heading out with some expensive shoes on? And it's raining? Step into your shower caps, one on each foot, and protect your shoes from the rain. Arrive with dry, clean shoes.


#10 Clean your gunky shower head

Limescale builds up on shower heads, but it can be a pain to disassemble them to clean. Instead, soak it where it is by filling a shower cap with cleaner and using an elastic to secure it in place. Let it soak for as long as necessary. For a more natural cleaning solution, you can fill the cap with white vinegar.

#11 Stop dust from settling on clothes

Poke a hole in the center of a shower cap, then slip it over a hanger to keep dust from settling on the shoulders of shirts.

#12 Protects your bicycle seat from rain

A common situation: you left your bike outside and went on your business, then all of a sudden the rain started, and the seat got all wet. To avoid this, take a shower cap with you on a bike ride, and cover the seat with it.

#13 Wrap your leftovers with the shower cap

Shower caps are just the thing to cover bowls of leftovers. Just slide one over the top of a bowl, and pop the whole thing in the fridge. They stay on better than plastic wrap, and they’re easy to wash and reuse.