13 Daily Life Struggles That Only Left-Handed People Can Relate Well

By Samantha in Life Style On 1st June 2020

#1. 100% spot on.

Being a left-handed person is not easy to live in this world of right-handed people. For us, things as little as daily life tasks can be challenging. Left-handed people are usually not accommodated well in any place, that can be schools, public places as well as simple home supplies. Let us share some common examples of the struggles a left-handed person goes through their daily life and how the struggle can be really frustrating at times.

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#2. And how frustrating positioning of the notebook can be at times.

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#3. And messier it gets when you rub these hands on your shirt.


#4. Oh the struggle of folding this while working.

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#5. One of the most frustrating part of being a left-handed person.

#6. And how the fingers hurt every time.


#7. Raising both hands.

#8. And then people looking at you in awe for such tricks.

#9. Dude!


#10. People looking at you in the restaurant as if you are some nuthead.

#11. Admitting to it shamefully.

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#12 Couldn't agree more.

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#13. Always.

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