15 Foods You’re Saying Wrong

By Editorial Staff in Food On 23rd September 2016

#1 Sherbet

It's embarrassing when we mispronounce a word but it isn't the end of the world. When I first started learning Japanese, native speakers would often correct my pronunciation, not to be rude but to help me out. And even though I didn't ask for their help, I was extremely grateful for it because it was these words and phrases that I learned to use most effectively. I would do the same for them when it came to American English.

The same is true when using your first language. Fluent in English isn't the same as master. One day, you might find yourself being corrected by someone half your age about something you thought you knew your whole life. This isn't just true for newly created words like selfie or Frappuccino but also for words like sherbet or tortilla.

Take a look at some commonly mispronounced foods below. When we learn to pronounce words like these correctly, we are also respecting the country in which that food is from. If you've already been pronouncing them correctly, pass it on to someone who could use it.

Sherbet, sometimes spelled sherbert, is a cross between ice cream and a sorbet. Many of us grew up hearing 'sher-buhrt' and don't know that the original pronunciation is actually 'sher-bit.'


#2 Raspberry

I haven't personally heard too many people mispronounce this mouthwatering fruit. In fact, I've seen more people misspell it because of that silent 'p.' It sounds like 'raz-beree.'


#3 Hors D'Oeuvre

From the French, an hor d'oeuvre is a starter or appetizer that is outside the main courses. Be careful not to pronounce the 'h' or 's,' someone might think you're calling them a 'wh*re.' An easier way to look at it is 'or-durv.'

#4 Bouillon

In French cuisine, bouillon is broth. It might be tempting for you to pronounce that double 'l', but do your best to refrain from it. Call it 'boo-yawn' instead

#5 Bruschetta

This is a little tricky because even Italians pronounce this differently from one another. It really depends on the dialect. Many Americans pronounce bruschetta with a 'sheh' sound in the middle, but in standard Italian, it is pronounced 'broo-sket-tuh.'

#6 Salmon

People commonly pronounce the "L," but it's actually silent and should be pronounced, "sam-uhn."


#7 Worcestershire Sauce

Some people refuse to say this word altogether, but here's a shortcut that'll help you remember. Cut out the 'rce' and you get 'wostershire.' Break it down and you get 'woos-turh-shurh.'

#8 Croissant

In American English, it is perfectly fine to say 'cruh-sahnt' in which the emphasis is on the second syllable and ending in a 't' sound.' The French pronunciation, however, is more like 'cwa-sohn,' with a stronger emphasis on the first syllable. Just keep that in mind when traveling.

#9 Espresso

As a barista, about a fourth of my customers inquiring about espresso drinks on the menu pronounced it with an 'x.' However, no such sound exists in the word. It is much smoother, 'ess-press-oh.'


#10 Gnocchi

Don't feel stupid if you get this one wrong. This word just sets you up for failure. Some people got the first part right, that the 'g' is silent. So, they say 'no-key.' If you've watched the Food Channel enough, you know it's actually 'nyoh-key.'

#11 Acai

Some people say acai like they would say 'okay' but with an 'a.' There are three syllables total in the word and the 'c' should have an 's' sound, so it should look like 'ah-sah-ee.'

#12 Quinoa

In addition to being a natural appetite suppressant, there are many benefits to quinoa. But how do you say it? 'Keen-wah.'

#13 Tortilla

Tortillas are the start of all things amazing but don't taint it with the 'l' sound. 'Tohr-tee'yah' is the way to go.

#14 Almond

This one is also a matter of controversy. If you pronounce the 'l' then don't worry. That's the new way to say it. In older dictionaries, the correct pronunciation for almond was written 'ah-mund.' However, newer dictionaries accept both pronunciations.

#15 Hummus

A delicious dip made from mashed chickpeas or other types of means, hummus is pronounced 'hoom-us.'