15 Things That You Have Been Using Wrong Your Whole Life

By Missy aka Tizzy in Facts On 31st December 2017

Tictac containers

We have all carried these little mints around at one point in our lives. Most of us just flip the lid up and pour them directly into our mouths or hands. But, we have all been doing it wrong. The proper way to dispense these tiny mints is to use the little oval dip in the flap to dispense the mints one at a time.



Earbuds are a great solution to carrying around bulky headphones. However, most people do not really understand how they are supposed to be plugged into their ears. The way that most of us wear them makes it so they can easily fall out of the ear. If you wear them properly, you will not have that issue.


Holding juice boxes

Those little flaps on your juice boxes actually come in handy. They are meant to be opened out so that you can use them to pick up the box without accidentally squirting out any juice.

Holding a glass of wine

You might cup your wine glass with your hand, but that is not the proper way to do it. You should pick up your class by the base of the stem just as it is shown in the picture.

Bread tags

Most of us just toss these in the trash once our bread is gone. Start saving them. They can come in handy.

Peeling oranges

Most of us tend to totally butcher our oranges when trying to peel them apart. You should try slicing off the top and bottom then make a slice down the side from top to bottom. Then, you can unroll the orange just like the photo here.


Packing your suitcase

Most people fold their clothes and just try to stuff as much as they can in their suitcase before having to sit on it in order to get it closed. Rolling your clothes will save you a ton of space and prevent wrinkling.


Did you know that your red cup plunger is not for the toilet? That is supposed to be used for plunging kitchen drains. The black plunger is the one that is meant for your toilet.

Using too much toothpaste

More toothpaste does not mean cleaner teeth. Experts will tell you that anything more than a pea-sized amount is just a waste.


Peanut butter oil

You should flip your container of peanut butter upside down. This way it works itself to the other end, and you do not have to worry about spilling the oil on the counter wasting it.

Peeling the banana

Most of us have always peeled our bananas from the stem. The correct way to peel it is to start at the butt of the banana. They even peel better that way.

Holding a pizza

Most of us have eaten our pizza like this especially if it is an especially large piece. This is actually the proper way to eat your pizza. Holding it like this prevents your toppings from falling off.

Crossing out words

If you really do not want anyone to see your writing blunder, stop using lines to cross it out. Instead, try writing other letters over top. That makes the bottom layer of letters unrecognizable.

Hole in the pot handle

The hole in your pot handle is not meant to be used for hanging your pots. It is actually meant as a place to hold your spoon or spatula.

Breaking a Toblerone bar

Everyone has been doing this wrong. Most will grab a section and pry it off or bend it back to break a piece off. The proper way to do it is to treat it like you would a lighter. It breaks off easier and makes less of a mess.