27 Famous People From History You've Never Seen In Color Before

By Umar Yousaf in History On 7th August 2017

#1 I guess the beard was the problem of the black and white picture.


#2 He looks magical.


#3 Having a serious talk.

#4 This guy looks like an actor of today’s movies.

#5 Amazing.

#6 Nice.


#7 How sweet.

#8 Much better in color.

#9 What a difference.


#10 Hello sir.

#11 The place looks beautiful.

#12 This picture of him is amazing.

#13 The red coat makes it stand out all the more.

#14 Wow.

#15 Kinda creepy.


#16 Just look at those blue uniforms.

#17 It's so bright.

#18 Look at that smile.

#19 All that greenery made this picture alive.

#20 Is this a photo shoot?

#21 He’s got a nice red tie.


#22 He looks so angry.

#23 Color makes it more frightening.

#24 Moments before the bloodshed.

#25 He looks badass.

#26 This man is having the time of his life.

#27 That suit looks amazing.