Ever wondered what the world thinks Americans are obsessed with? Get ready to crack up as we dive into their obsession with huge portions, reality TV, and greetings that are more like secret handshakes. But hold up, there's even more hilarious stuff to uncover in the world of American obsessions!
1. Breadsticks.

2. Things being "haunted."

3. Spelling "Mississippi."

4. Oprah.

5. Making up handshakes.

6. Candles.

7. Getting clothing from T-shirt cannons.

8. Ice.

9. Salad.

10. Cereal.

11. The Olive Garden.

12. Tax returns.

13. The word "literally."

14. Gender-reveal parties.

15. Circumcision.

16. St. Patrick's Day.

17. Bodegas.

18. Chick-fil-A.

19. Nice grass.

20. Girl Scout cookies.

21. Mac 'n' cheese.

22. Sheet cakes.

23. Peanut butter.

24. Talking about how long is takes to get somewhere.

25. Being "grown."

26. Getting on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

27. Jello shots.

28. Halloween costumes.

29. Saying "bless you."

30. Hypothesizing how they would perform as a man in the WNBA.

31. Christmas songs.

32. Ranch dressing.

33. Happy hour and marinara sauce.

34. Making movies about serial killers.

35. Age gaps.

36. Eating foods that taste like other foods.

37. White Claws.

38. Thinking they're Italian.

39. Putting marshmallows on everything on Thanksgiving.

40. Marriage shows.

41. The national anthem.

42. Pressing charges.

43. ID'ing people.

44. Bagels.

45. Pumpkin.

46. Making celebrities out of stupid people.

47. UFOs and aliens.

48. And lastly, going to the gas station for snacks.