Amazing And Not So Amazing Tweets And Comebacks Companies Have Received
#1: Sainsbury
They responded with the perfect solution, well done. Sometimes Hulk Hogan just doesn't cut it.
#2: Tesco
Trying to deal with the scandal by making fun of it, but this made it worst. I hope they learned from their mistake.
#3: 02 in the UK
They responded with humor, but also poked fun at this guys horrible grammar. The guy was asking for it.
#4: American Airlines
Getting burned and hopelessly trying to do something about it. They might want to hire a different customer service rep.
#5: Taco Bell
Letting their customers know that they aren't getting sued. Lol, who would ask something like this?
#6: United Airlines
They lost a 10 year old girl and had nothing reasonable to say so people just went at them, hard!
#7: Arena Flowers
Love the slight hint of sarcasm. You kind of have to think about it to get what they're saying.
#8: Seamless
Understanding how good garlic knots are and that they must be honored. Garlic Knots FTW! They are yummy.
#9: Habit UK
They used popular hashtags that had nothing to do with their business (furniture) resulting in spam and extreme blacklash. It's just not a classy thing to do.
#10: Tesco Mobile
This is such a good burn on the companies part! I wonder how long it took them to think of it.
#11: British Airways
This guy called them out! Customers now expect companies with social media accounts to respond well within a few hours. Well this guy didn't get that and later on spent $1000 a promoted tweet telling the world how much he hates British Airways.
#12: Walmart
Remember last year when employee's of Walmart held food drives for each other? People were outraged that such a big company could not pay it's employee's enough so that they have enough food on the table. Needless to say, Wal Mart had no response for this.
#13: Delta Airlines
"Open Your Ears?" That is the worst comeback and customer service ever. Seriously, she could have just said "excuse me" and went about her day.
#14: Blackberry
This is the kind of tweet no company ever wants. I mean one guy against your company can cause a lot of damage.
#15: O2 in the UK (again)
They just know how to deal with unhappy customers. O2 in the UK have decided that being funny is great customer service.