Awesome Diy Craft Ideas For Old Plastic Bottles

By Michael Avery in Amazing On 6th October 2015

#1 Crafty Mood Lighting

You can make very cool modern looking lamp shades using both plastic bottles and other plastics leftover from parties!


#2 Crafty Mood Lighting Result


#3 An Upstanding Landscape

Seriously? Yes, indeed you can create your own hanging herb garden simply from plastic bottles! No excuses that you don't have anywhere to grow food!

#4 Sowing Seeds Is Simple To Do

You can also provide your local birds with some feed by creating plastic bottle bird feeders!

#5 Bedazzle Your Home

More artistic uses for bottle caps! This woman used 30,000 to create this design on the side of her house.

#6 Get On The Cutting Edge

If you are looking to bring flowers indoors, this vase will hold them in style.


#7 Fashion A Bouquet Lamp Shade

It takes about 25 bottles and a base, but you will have an incredibly looking bouquet lamp shade in no time using heat proof glue.

#8 The Cat’s Meow

If you're more inclined to favor felines, transforming these planters is easy if you switch up the ears and add a few whiskers.


Reducing, reusing, and recycling never looked so good with cool ideas like these. In the words of Albert Einstein, "Creativity is contagious, pass it on."