Convicted Pedophile Murdered By Gang Who Violated Him With A Broom

By Michael Avery in Bizarre On 14th October 2015


Terry Oldham, 63, whose battered body was found by paramedics, is said to have suffered extensive injuries of various ages demonstrating he had been assaulted over an extended period . His home was hijacked by a gang that discovered his criminal past, and subjected to horrific levels of torture. The four men convicted of murdering him had moved into his home, routinely bullied and assaulted him and stole his money and possessions.



A post mortem revealed that Mr. Oldham died from internal poisoning from the broom handle, which then led to organ failure. Paul Dunkels, QC, told Truro Crown Court that:

"He (Mr. Oldman) was a small frail man in his 60s they knew he was a convicted sex offender so viewed him as fair game."



Mr. Oldman had been convicted of indecently assaulting a girl aged under 14 in 1987, and was on the sex offenders list as a result.

Aaron Mallen, 24, Michelle Casterton, 43, and Daniel Quinn, 23, all from Falmouth, Cornwall, and Richard Rosevear, 33, of St Austell, Cornwall, all deny murder and causing or allowing the death of a vulnerable person.