Dad Upset With Daughter Created Spreadsheet To Add Up What She Owes And Insists She Pays Him Back

By Samantha in Parenting On 12th February 2022

What kind of parent makes a record of their spending on their child for their whole life and demands them to pay back each and every penny?

Well, meet this dad who thinks he is an awesome parent for demanding love and respect from his daughter, and in refusal, he thinks the right thing to do is to force it by demanding all the expenses he has spent on her.  

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This man took to the Reddit platform of AITA to share that his ex-wife and he share 50/50 responsibility of his daughter. However, his daughter prefers to live with her mom than him and so teach her a lesson for loving her family less, dad decided to give his daughter an excel sheet of all the expenses incurred on her and now that the daughter is an adult, he wants to pay everything back. 

Now the dad wonders who is a bad person here?

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Read the original post here.

Reddit pointed to dad that after doing all these things if he expects his daughter to come back, he must really be out of his mind.

Reddit labelled the dad YTA.

This is how the internet reacted to the post.


