Epic Fails of Chinese Translations

By Editorial Staff in Funny On 12th March 2014

#1: Have you ever try to cook F*** Vegetables? No? Oh, you missed!


#2: If you order the Greenstuff you will be raped


#3: I bet you never saw china’s hand grenade. It’s bigger than your hand.

#4: If you feel like slipping and falling down. Do it, but carefully.

#5: This special dish can only found in China.

#6: You can find a missing foot in China. Beware of it!


#7: Never try this!

#8: Potato is really a crap! It makes you fat.

#9: Stupid beans specially made for stupid people.


#10: If you run out of your crap, you can always buy fresh one just in $7.99.

#11: Pulls out of rotten child and fried cat ear.

#12: Yes! You are the best.

#13: With a duck… poor duck

#14: Please do not touch yourself, let us do the honor.

#15: One whatever Please!