Female Pro Golfer Left Stunned After Person Mansplains How To Hit The Ball At Driving Range

By maks in Sports On 24th February 2024

Georgia, who not only plays golf at a professional level but also coaches the sport, was experimenting with a new swing style during her practice session. 

Known for sharing her golf practices and professional life with her 156,000 TikTok followers, Georgia certainly knows her way around a golf course.


Given her expertise and status as a professional golfer and coach, one would think twice before offering Georgia unsolicited advice on her golf swing. 

However, this did not deter a man, also present at the range, from attempting to give her some tips, despite Georgia's efforts to clarify what she was doing.


Georgia captured the moment she drove a golf ball down the range, deliberately modifying her swing to stop earlier than usual. 

This modification triggered unsolicited advice from the fellow golfer, who remained off-camera. 

Georgia was trying out a new technique on her swing. Credit: TikTok / @georgiagolfcoach

He interjected: "Excuse me, what you are doing there, you should not be doing that."

"You should be right through your swing and follow through. You are too slow on the way up and then back."

Politely, Georgia attempted to explain that she was in the process of trying out a new swing style, saying: "OK, I am going through a swing change at the minute." 

The man responded by mentioning his 20 years of golf experience, seemingly to bolster his advice.

Undeterred, Georgia lined up for another shot, executing it with a swing similar to her modified one, sending the ball straight down the middle of the range. 

Her unsolicited "teacher" observed, "See how much better that was?" to which Georgia reiterated her intention to slow down her swing as part of experimenting with a new technique, a practice even 'the best golfers in the world' engage in to refine their game.

This is the face of an extremely patient golfer. Credit: TikTok / @georgiagolfcoach

Despite her explanations, the man persisted, advising, "Keep doing that anyway, OK?" 


Reflecting on the incident, which garnered around 8 million views on TikTok, Georgia shared:

"This was a bit awkward, not going to lie. I couldn't help but laugh. I was lost for words!"

The comments section of the video was filled with viewers expressing their astonishment and support for Georgia. 

One commenter said, "The way he cuts you off. The way he took credit for your swing and the way you strike the ball. Absolutely not… Props to you for laughing it off, I probably wouldn't have been as nice." 


Another remarked: "He doesn't take the hint or even listen. And takes credit for your next hit like he helped!!! Ugh. You handled it well, but we shouldn't have to handle this condescension." 

Further comments echoed the frustration, with one stating: "I got more angry every time he wouldn't let you finish speaking," and another humorously adding, "Me who knows nothing about golf: 'She's going through a SWING CHANGE SIR!!'"