Funny Grammar Quotes For The Grammar Lovers

By Editorial Staff in Funny On 19th March 2014

#1: Sexy

Yes, good grammar is attractive. If someone can't write you a proper love letter then kick them to the curb.


#2: People On The Internet

Are the worst when it comes to grammar. It's so hard to understand anything they are saying.


#3: I Before E

Except after C, how weird. This one many people actually understand.


#4: Different Types Of Sentence

Make sure you know what kind of sentence you're writing.

#5: Semicolons

Hey girl, I'm just wondering why people misuse them so much?

#6: Single

Get it? Spelled Your wrong so you can't date that person due to bad grammar.


#7: Bad Grammar

Makes me sic. Get it together man.

#8: Keep Talking

In the back of my head I am just judging you on how bad your grammar is.

#9: Straight Forward

Yet such a classic mistake, it will never end.


#10: Commas

Saving lives one day at a time. Learn when to use commas people.

#11: LOL

This is a good one, very funny. Way to poke fun at people.

#12: Double Negatives

Are a no no, a big no no!


#13: Grammar Can Be

The greatest joy in life if used correctly. Maybe the reason why so many people hate it is because they suck at it.

#14: It Was Tense

Just how tense exactly? Maybe like someone bringing a knife to a gun fight?

#15: Let's Party With Grammar.

If teens stopped using social media so much since it's contributing to their horrible grammar maybe their grammar would be more awesome!
