GIFS That Describe Your Single Life Perfectly

By Editorial Staff in Funny On 11th March 2014

#1: Longing To Feed Someone Else

It just gets so strong that you start to feed another part of your body.


#2: Failed Dates

They just never end.


#3: Knowing That Nothing But Pizza

Is in your future.

#4: Becoming A Bum

Because you have no one else to spend time with.

#5: Emptiness and Loneliness

They are everywhere you look.

#6: Constantly Trying To Get Affection

Even if you embarrass yourself.


#7: Having Your House Filled With Pizza Boxes

You can make art out of it.

#8: Wanting To Bang Your Head

In desperation for wanting to be loved.

#9: Becoming A Cat Person

This was bound to happen.


#10: Feeling Like You Can Do Whatever You Want

Because you're freeeee!!!

#11: Thinking About Your Life

And how messy it can feel being single.

#12: Feeling Like This When People Judge You

Sometimes being single is not a choice!

#13: Having This Be The Highlight Of Your Day

Who else is this happy to see you?

#14: Feeling Like You Can't Be Tamed

Might go out and do something stupid like get too drunk and make unwanted advances.

#15: Lastly

Just not caring about anything and giving up on the world.