The Facebook dislike button has been revealed! But, in fact, it's not a dislike button at all! Rather, Facebook users will be able to choose between six emoticon reactions: Love, Haha, Yay, Wow, Sad, and Angry
Here Are The Six Reactions Facebook Is Giving You Instead Of A "Dislike" Button.
The Facebook dislike button has been revealed! But, in fact, it's not a dislike button at all! Rather, Facebook users will be able to choose between six emoticon reactions: Love, Haha, Yay, Wow, Sad, and Angry (video below).
So now, instead of 357 acquaintances "liking" your post about your grandmother's death, you'll now have 356 sad faces and probably 1 inappropriate angry face from a childhood friend who has unresolved issues with god.
As you can see in the post above, the new response options are first rolling out in Spain and Ireland, which we assume is because people in those countries have more emotional highs and lows than the rest of us. Based on how the new options work there, Facebook might adjust the offerings. I'm hoping for an "everlasting melancholy" emoji.