Here Is A List Of The 15 Main Differences Between Genuine And Fake People

By Missy aka Tizzy in Life Style On 7th February 2018

Fake people fake respect

A fake person will fake respect. Because they have inflated egos, they have a hard time masking their feelings of superiority in both their hearts and their minds. They are only able to show a modicum of respect towards people that are in positions of power.

The pursuit of acknowledgment

A genuine person is not after recognition or acknowledgment. A fake person practically demands affirmation of their superiority whether they truly deserve it or not.

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Private time spent with them

When you spend a lot of intimate time with a person, it allows them to reveal their true character. A genuine person will make you feel at ease when you are in their presence. A fake person might make you feel doubt and or uncomfortable as you start to see that they may not be exactly who they pretend to be.


Too much vanity

A genuine person does not show pride or act like they need recognition for a job well done. A fake person will constantly seek praise whether they deserve it or not. They have a real "look how awesome I am" type of attitude.

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This one is pretty obvious. A genuine person will not gossip about you behind your back. If they have something to say, they have no issues sitting you down and saying it to your face. Fake people will tell everyone but you if they have a problem with you and relish on making themselves look innocent so people will take their side.

Broken Promises

Breaking promises is something that people with even the best intentions do from time to time. Sometimes, it just cannot be helped. However, fake people take breaking promises to an entirely new level. They will lie and break promises left and right as if it were second nature to do so.


They don't teach you new things

A genuine person truly enjoys learning new things from the people they are surrounded by. It does not matter if you are young or old, they will find that you have something to offer them. Fake people are stuck in their ways and do not really have it in them to learn new things.

A hidden agenda

Fake people always have ulterior motives. They tend to give off a vibe most times that will alert you to their hidden agendas. It is up to you to notice it so that you do not become one of their victims.

They won't appreciate you

Even if a fake person is impressed with your skills and abilities, they will act like your accomplishments are simply not worth their approval and praise. A genuine person will always give credit where credit is due.


They can't take a joke

A fake has no problems making jokes at other people's expense, but if you flip the script and make a joke about them, they will become extremely offensive. A genuine person knows how to laugh at themselves and does not relish in making other people uncomfortable.

They don't protect their friends

A genuine person always expresses concern for their friend's well-being. They will stand by you and protect you whenever they are needed. A fake person will be the first person to slink away from the situation because they feel that it does not affect them, so they have no reason to help out.

Honesty is not their best policy

A genuine person is always upfront about their motives while a fake person will hide their true intentions. They are very good at lying in order to mask their own selfish goals.


Showing their true colors

Once a fake person decides you are no longer useful to them, they shift their attitude towards you and reveal their true colors. A genuine person does not care if you have the ability to help them. They just enjoy your company no matter what.

They can harm you

A fake person will do absolutely anything in order to achieve their goals even if it means running you over to get there. A genuine person will look for the best approach that could benefit you both.

Fake people get frustrated

A fake person is easily frustrated especially if they think they might fail to meet their goals. A genuine person doesn't break down when they are under pressure. Their ideals and goals will not waver just because times are tough.

So, now you know how to spot a fake. Hopefully, this article helped you realize who your true friends are.