Only 1 In 100 People Can Find The Hidden Panda In This Picture

By maks in Interesting On 23rd December 2024

On TikTok, creator Hectic Nick has been captivating his followers with tricky brainteasers and mind-boggling visual challenges.

One of his most talked-about puzzles involved asking viewers to find a hidden animal within a viral image.

Nick shared the post with a bold caption: "You can only like this video if you can find the hidden image in the picture."


He followed up with: "Apparently only one percent of people can find it – if they can, comment because I can see nothing."

"Good luck."

The challenge has sparked widespread interest, as countless users are trying to spot the elusive panda in the image.

TikTok star Hectic Nick challenged his followers to locate the animal in the mind-bending picture. @hecticnick/TikTok

One frustrated participant admitted: "I can't see it lol,"

Another commented: "I really couldn't see it at first."

Someone else shared their strategy: "I had to turn my phone upside down,"

A fourth viewer explained: "I made my eyes blurry."

On the other hand, some users felt the puzzle was far too easy. One TikTok user confidently wrote: "Panda – shake the screen."

Another boasted: "It's very easy to see what it is. I saw it immediately,"

Adding to the mix, another person wrote: "This challenge was a lot easier than I thought."

Meanwhile, someone else celebrated their success with: "Panda. It's visible. I'm in that exclusive one percent. Yessssss,"

For those struggling to find the panda, others who cracked the puzzle have shared their tips to make it easier.

Some people have located the panda much quicker than others. Reddit

One viewer suggested: "I saw a panda, you can only see it if you move the picture away from you."

Another advised: "Instead of looking away, just cross your eyes to look at your nose. Then look at the screen and you'll see the panda first for one second."

Yet another user recommended: "I saw a panda because I tilted my device,"


So, why do some people find this challenge harder than others?

In a discussion with, Associate Professor Paul E. Dux, from the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland, explained: "Some have better 'spatial attention' than others."

He clarified that visual-spatial attention helps direct focus to specific areas in a space, which can vary from person to person.

An expert says there are a few ways to locate the panda if you’re struggling. WWF

Professor Dux also noted: "The other reason is that people sometimes just get lucky, and the eyes fall on the target immediately,"

Meanwhile, Professor Barton Anderson, from the University of Sydney, shared his advice with, suggesting that those struggling to find the panda should "view the image from a distance, or blur their eyes by squinting."