How strange that scientist can’t explain these simple things

By Editorial Staff in Funny On 18th March 2014

#1: What If You Fall Into Some Black Hole?

Until or unless you cross the event horizon of a black hole, you would not notice that you actually fell into it, according to Physicists. But in 2012, they made some new calculations, according to which, if you fell into a black hole wall of fire will completely burn you and turn you into crispy and crunchy (ouch). If this theory is correct, some of the basic physical laws will be in serious trouble.


#2: How The Effect Of Placebo Works

No matter what pill you take, a dummy filled with sugar or a real one, when you expect that it have some result, the pill appears to. This in simple words is called the effect of placebo and it will look weird if it still works and appear even you know that you have taken a dummy pill filled with sugar.


#3: Making A Tomato Takes A Lot More Genes As Compared To Making A Human Being

If you research on tomato and human beings you will notice that it takes 20,000 to 30,000 genes to make a human have while on the other hand there are about 30,000 or more genes in a tomato. This problem is found in a variety of guises more than the years, which is known as C-value paradox. According to botanists it is unexplained therefore they decided to demote the problem to a riddle.

#4: Viking Lander Finds Life In ‘70s On Mars

In 2012, another team was sent to Mars who perform the same experiment with the help of new and advanced techniques and again challenged that there is no existence of life. So the adjudicators are out.

#5: Did Water Exist In Earth's Past History

Early in the history of the Earth the sun is much fainter as compared to the sun of today, and would not have a lot of power to melt the ice completely.

#6: Where Is All The Lost Lithium That Was Once Found In Space

There is hardly any lithium found in space. Even scientists can hardly find it in some of the oldest stars in the universe.


#7: Why Humans Get More Cancer As Compared To Blue Whales, Even Though Blue Whales Are Much Larger Than Us

In the cells of animal the cancer begins from mutations; according to the scientists mammals that have more cells are more likely to get cancer. Bizarrely, this doesn't appear to be true for blue whales.

#8: Phytoplankton And Its Low Levels In Some Oceans

There are some regions in the Antarctica Ocean where there is high nutrient level, but phytoplankton level is much lower, that is a big surprise. A lot of Marine biologists gave a number of explanations about this, but there is no understandable reason, therefore it is known as Antarctic paradox.

#9: Why Do Magnets Always Attract On Different Poles

Magnets always attract different poles. According to Quantum mechanics magnetic monopolies must exist. But, researchers say they haven't found one.


#10: What Is The Exact Length Of UK’s Coastline

UK's coastlines are made of number of replicating patterns. If someone zoom the picture they will notice same shape no matter how small the scale is, so we cannot define the actual length.

#11: Why Atmosphere Of The Sun Is Hotter As Compared To The Surface

The atmosphere of the sun is millions of kilometers far away from the surface. There the temperature reaches more than 2 million degrees when compared to a mere 5000 to 6000 degrees, the scientists have no explanations for this.

#12: Why Eocene Epoch Is Warm

If we look at the geographical evidence before 56 million years we notice that the temperature of the Earth's pole was not more than 20C. But it is still unclear the reason for the hot climate.

#13: Those Dark Streaks On Mars

These dark streaks usually appear in hot seasons and disappear by itself before the weather again gets colder. Scientists thought that these streaks may be due to icy water that warmed up, but are still not sure.

#14: From Where Are These Impossibly Active Cosmic Rays Coming From

Scientists are unable to find any sources yet that are producing cosmic rays near the Earth, so still there is a big mystery from where it is all coming.

#15: Where Have The Aliens Gone

It is also known as Fermi paradox. No matter, how old the sun is but still there are trillions of stars that are much older than the sun. In which some of the stars must have planets that are Earth-like and most probably some will have intelligent life - so why can't we see those interstellar-traveling aliens yet?