No matter what the reason, everyone could use some extra cash. There are a ton of scams out there, so you really have to be careful what websites you visit that promise you cash, fast. We have found some legit websites that pay in cash or with gift cards. Most of these are really simple, so there is no reason why you should not be making some extra cash.
Make Money In Your Spare Time Using These Apps And Sites
Of course, you want to make money.
Who doesn't, right? But, how do you know that the website you are trying to make easy money from is totally legit? The best way to find out is through word of mouth not through random ads that pop up during your Google search or in your Facebook newsfeed. We have collected a list of trusted sites where you can earn cash or gift cards for just a few minutes of your time.
This is a fun site. You sign up and will get projects sent to your inbox. Projects include recording a video right from your phone that you upload to their site. These are candid videos, so you do not have to worry about editing them. They will ask you to record a video of you checking out products in-store. There are also some projects where you record from home. Most opportunities pay $10 or more, and it only takes a few minutes of your time.
You have probably already heard of Ebates and never tried it. This site gives you cash back for shopping through their site. You can find just about any online store you can imagine on their site including Amazon. Plus, if you refer a friend, and they spend $25 on their site, you get $15 cash back and they get $10!
There are a ton of ways to earn gift cards on this site. The easiest way to rack up points is to watch videos. If you have an extra computer or phone, you can set them to autoplay, so you do not have to actually watch them. You can also fill out surveys, complete tasks and offers, and more. You would have to check out the site to see what all it offers. They also pay through direct deposit and PayPal.
Do you have a pretty decent size social media following? If you have Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, you might love this little program. They pay you to write short promotional posts, usually around 60 words. You can make $5 or more for each post, and the best part is that it only takes a few minutes to make a post...super easy! And, you get paid through PayPal.
You can go to the site or look for SweatCoin in your app store. If you do a lot of outdoor walking or are trying to get fit, this app will be right up your alley. You earn coins that you can use to shop with in their store. You can also donate your sweat coins to a variety of charities.
This app is along the lines of ebates. You link your credit or debit card and earn cash back for your purchases that you make. You can also refer your friends to the app, and when they connect their card to the app, you both get money. It is easy to rack up cash on referrals alone.
Ever wanted to play the stock market but cannot afford to do so. Use this site to get free stock. Free stock options include Apple, Groupon, Facebook, Sirius, Zynga and more! Claim your free stock that can be sold and deposited into your bank account, or you can reinvest your free stock and buy new stocks. Your odds of receiving certain stocks, you have a 1 in 80 chance of getting Facebook, Microsoft or Apple! 1 in 150 chance of getting Ford or Sprint!
If you live in an area that is close to amusement parks, bowling alleys, or places like Dave and Busters, you can become a secret shopper. This company pays for you to be a secret shopper. You can apply for assignments in your area and make money while having fun. You do have to pay for your trip out of pocket, but save your receipts because they reimburse you along with your payment for your report...easy money.
Mobile Performance Meter is like The Nielsen Family for your phone. It runs in the background, and you accumulate points. You can cash out your points for gift cards. There are hundreds of stores to choose from. The fastest way to rack up points is through referrals. You get 500 points per referral. 500 points = $5 in gift cards. You can cash out up to $50 a month.