Man who claims to be a super-smeller wants his girlfriend to use outside bathroom when she has her period. Is shocked when she refuses.
Man Asks Girlfriend To Use Outside Bathroom During Her Period Because Of The Smell
Most people over the age of 12 are familiar with the fact that women experience a period every month. While this should be as normalized as headaches, here we have a grown man calling his girlfriend's period her 'special time'.
OP dearest said that he had a very strong nose, to begin with and that he usually finds himself sensitive to strong odors around him.
His issues worsen around the time that his girlfriend has her period. He said he understood it was something 'girls have to do' but that the smell was bothering him an uncomfortable amount.
He also added that his girlfriend usually kept herself clean so hygiene was not a factor when it came to his 'super smeller' nose being bothered.
He broached the subject with her and realized she couldn't smell it herself.
After an argument over the situation, OP recommended that she use the outhouse during her period.
To access said bathroom, his girlfriend would have to leave the house and go across the lawn 20 feet away.
She responded that if OP was the one with the problem, he could be the one to use the bathroom.
OP thought she was being unfair and that he made a reasonable request.
Commenters were up in arms and had a hard time believing someone this clueless was real.
They wondered how he was able to function within a relationship at all.
Some saw through the holes in his story.
While most hoped it was a troll, they still clarified things to help him understand how things really work.