Man Who Uncovered America's 'Most Inbred Family' Says 'They've Been Lying To Me The Whole Time'

By Harsh Rana in News On 19th June 2024

A man who discovered America’s most ‘inbred’ family says he is ‘done’ with them after claiming they had been ‘lying to him all along’.

Mark Laita has been documenting the lives of the Whittakers on his YouTube channel for four years now.


The Whittaker family, known for their peculiar lifestyle, all live together on a property in Odd, West Virginia.

Earlier this year, Mark made an announcement that shook his audience: the death of 67-year-old Larry Whittaker, which was suspected to be due to a heart attack.

Mark Laita claims the whole family are 'lying to him' YouTube/Soft White Underbelly

In response to this tragic news, Mark took the initiative to launch a fundraiser, and he personally donated $1,000 towards Larry's funeral expenses.


However, as events unfolded, it became evident that Larry was not dead at all.

This shocking revelation came to light when fans spotted Larry alive and well in a video titled 'The Death of Larry Whittaker'.

In this particular video, Larry is seen sitting outside their family home, casually discussing his own supposed death.

When someone inquires about the situation, Larry nonchalantly responds: "No, I just heard of it last night on a video."

The West Virginia, Whittaker family that lives in the aptly named hamlet Odd, have let the social media creator into their less than conventional lives YouTube/Soft White Underbelly

Believing that Larry had indeed passed away, Mark had previously handed over the cash to Larry's daughter, who claimed they needed it to host the funeral.

Once the truth was revealed, she apologized for the deception, and Mark, showing grace, decided to forgive her.

However, the situation took another turn for the worse. Mark found himself giving Larry an additional $700, which Larry apparently lied about.

Larry had assured Mark that this money would be used to take BJ to North Carolina to start a new life.

Unfortunately, Mark later discovered that Larry had kept the money and had not taken BJ anywhere.

The Whittakers have been described as America’s most inbred family YouTube/Soft White Underbelly

In a recent video update titled Spring 2024, Mark addresses the situation with Larry's cousin, Jason Whittaker.


In the video, Mark recounts: "After our last video, Larry calls me up and says: 'Hey, I'm going to take BJ to North Carolina,' and he wanted $700." 

"I said 'as long as you're taking your daughter to North Carolina to get her away from your family then I can continue my relationship with you guys,' "

" '..but I don't want to be part of you guys if everyone's lying to me.' "

And Larry goes: 'Yeah, I'm gonna take her tonight.'"

Mark adds: "Now I know that even Kenneth is lying to me, they are all lying to me so I'm done with them."


He further explains that the family had been receiving money from the state long before he began documenting their lives.

While speaking to Jason, Mark expresses his frustration and says: "I don't know what to do with them other than just walk away."

Jason agrees, responding: "That's the best thing to do, just wash your hands of them."