Only In America - Pizza Box Made Entirely Out Of Pizza

By Editorial Staff in Food On 6th May 2016

#1 The Pizza Box Pizza

Pizza is our favorite food. Even a bad pizza is a good pizza, so they say. But what about those heavy and bulky cardboard boxes? They serve only to carry our delicious meal from one place to another before it get's too cold, and that doesn't work very well since they are always cold when you get them. Besides, it's a pain the rear to dispose of the empty box after you've stuffed yourself with that gooey, cheesy delite. They sit on your porch collecting bugs and rodents before you finally get up the ambition to cart the armful of unusable greasy cardboard to the trash. Not anymore.


#2 A Pizza Inside Of A Pizza

Pizza maker Sean Berthiaume who operates Vinnie's Pizzeria in Brooklyn, New York has created what he is calling the "Piza Box". Basically, it's one of his scrumptious pizzas baked and placed inside of an edible box made out of... you guessed it, PIZZA!


#3 Tired Of Seeing Cardboard Boxes Wasted

Berthiaume said he was inspired to create the pizza box one day when it was slow after lunch and he was thinking about how many boxes get wasted. After watching people eat their lunch out of a greasy box he went into the kitchen and experimented with his idea and within hours the "Pizza Box" was born. He posted the finished creation to Twitter and Instagram, and the orders came rolling in.

#4 Pick Up Only, For Now

The whole shebang will set you back about $40 bucks, and they won't deliver them, for obvious reasons, and they recommend ordering well in advance. For now, it's a traditional New York-style pepperoni pie surrounded by a square pizza that serves as the "pizza box," but the shop has bigger plans for their creation in the future and plan to get the idea patented.

#5 Working On A Way To Package The Pizza

Vinnie's is still working on a boxless delivery system for the new pie, such as wrapping it in a special foil or a bag. "I like to experiment. Sometimes they work out, sometimes they don't," Berthiaume said. "No waste, 100% pizza and 100% delicious," the pizza parlor wrote one Twitter. "I shared it online because I want customers to check it out, and that post will serve as my marker in case anyone tries to copy my idea."

#6 You Can Eat The Entire Thing

So far people are loving the pizza inside of a pizza idea. Perhaps it's the novelty of the whole thing or it really is the best thing to hit the pizza market in years. The shop has reported that they have sold over 2,000 of the specialty boxed pizzas in just over a week and they say that as soon as the packaging issue is perfected they will be selling a whole lot more. Since the social media postings, the shop has seen an increase in business and a lot of media coverage on their new specialty box.


#7 Vinnie's Loves Gimmicks

The popular pizzeria is not new to acclaim. Vinnie's achieved viral fame around this time last year when the shop introduced a pizza topped with smaller pizza slices. Owner Seth Berthiaume even appeared on The Jimmy Kimmel Show to share his creation and chat about how he came up with the idea.

Not all of the feedback to the pizza was positive, however, as some suggested maybe they stop making their food a gimmick and concentrate on the quality and taste. One man wrote, "Yo dawg, I heard you like Pizza, so we put yo pizza in a pizza. So, while you eatin' pizza, you can set it on pizza to save for after you done with that pizza."