People Horrified After Learning That This One Body Part Is Always Removed During An Autopsy

By maks in Interesting On 23rd April 2024

Although none of us really have to experience it firsthand unless we're the ones doing the job, autopsies are not exactly a walk in the park.

They serve as a crucial method to determine the cause of someone's death.


In the UK, many pathologists working for coroners' offices may prefer to avoid performing a full autopsy if possible, out of consideration for the deceased's family.

Instead, they might opt for less invasive methods like CT and MRI scans, or analyzing blood and tissue samples to gather necessary information.

He revealed one aspect of autopsies which had people squeamish. TikTok / @big_led73

However, sometimes a full autopsy is unavoidable, and there's one part of the process that really makes people uncomfortable.


Conducting an autopsy involves several factors and tends to evoke a sense of morbid curiosity among many.

In the US, an autopsy technician known as G Dubya, uses the TikTok username big_led73.

He has garnered about 2.3 million followers who are curious about his insights into the fate of our physical remains after death.

Notably, one aspect of the autopsy process particularly disturbs people.

This concern relates to piercings, especially a specific type of piercing.

Understandably, piercings might be relevant during an autopsy, and there are people who wonder what happens to them once we pass away.

It was one piercing in particular. TikTok / @big_led73

For instance, some individuals express a desire for their piercings to remain in place even after death.

Dubya has clarified that in most cases, piercings are left untouched with one significant exception.

There's a compelling reason to leave this particular type of piercing in place.

So, which piercing is it?


He specified: "The only one that I take out is your tongue ring."

But it's not just about the piercing itself.

He further explained: "I remove your tongue during an autopsy – we need to make sure you didn't bite down on it, make sure you don't have drugs in the back of your throat."

"So if you have a tongue ring, that one comes out, but nipples, nose, ears, eyebrows, private parts..."


All these piercings typically remain within the body after death, likely staying there even long after the body has decomposed.

This topic sparked quite a reaction.

One person joked: "Can you give me extra piercings? All the ones I couldn't afford while alive?"

Another reacted with surprise: "Wait! what? everyone's tongue is removed?"

And a third, perhaps curiously, inquired: "Okay but how exactly do you take the tongue out? I'm intrigued."

Are you sure you want to know the answer to that?