People With Claustrophobia Are Struggling To Watch Video Of Caver Getting Stuck In An Extremely Tight Cave

By maks in Sports On 28th February 2024

The YouTube channel Caveman Hikes, operated by an uncle-nephew duo named Jacob and Calvin Sanders, showcases their caving adventures.

The internet is filled with thrilling videos of caving exploits, yet the Sanders' channel stands out for its hair-raising content.


Their adventures often involve navigating through incredibly tight spaces, sending shivers down the spine of anyone watching.

In an interview with the Guardian in 2022, Jacob shared his initial fears and ongoing fascination with caves, saying:


"When I first went in caves, I was terrified. Caves will always surprise me. Is it going to be wet? Is it going to be dry? Is it going to be cold, dirty, muddy, clean?"

"Is it going to be, like, pretty or is it going to be super ugly, you know, like a crawly cave that's all spiky?"

This just doesn't look fun, but each to their own. Credit: YouTube / Caveman Hikes

One particular video from their collection has viewers feeling extremely anxious as it shows Calvin tearing his clothing while squeezing through a cramped cave passage.

In a moment of reflection caught on camera, Calvin says:

"A lot of people ask why we do this and you're never going to get a sufficient answer. Why do wake up in the morning? What drives you?"

"What makes you want to get up and study a subject or go to work or go hang out with your friends?"

"Really, nothing. That's just life. Really this is our way of living, it is not our way of dying. It is our way of destroying shirts, but our bodies are just fine."

The 2022 video details their mission to map an uncharted cave, hinting at the unpredictable challenges they might face.

Free at last! Credit: YouTube / Caveman Hikes

Calvin shares some of the ingenious methods he employs to navigate the tightest sections without getting trapped.

For instance, he mentions using a piece of cardboard to slide more easily and demonstrates how pulling up his t-shirt before wriggling forward inside it helps him progress through narrow spaces, all while being encased by immense quantities of rock and soil.

To some, like myself, the very thought of such an activity is far from appealing.


Those with a fear of tight spaces are advised to steer clear of this video.

The comments section of the video has become a hotspot for viewers to express their astonishment at the extremity of the cave's narrowness.

One commenter humorously remarked, "The best part about caving is you don't have to do it."

Another shared their relief, saying, "I love waking up every day and having the choice not to do caving."

A different viewer admitted to feeling claustrophobic just from watching the video, commenting, "I couldn't breathe while watching this video."


Someone else questioned the allure of caving compared to other extreme sports, asking, "Sky diving, deep sea diving, mountain climbing. I can see the appeal and thrill of these activities. WHAT IS THE APPEAL OF CAVING?!"

Yet, there were also voices of encouragement, acknowledging the importance of pursuing personal passions while emphasizing safety.

One such positive comment read: "I'm glad you found something you enjoy! Just remember to stay safe!"