Police Warn, If You See A Child Sitting On The Road While Driving, Don't Stop

By Sughra Hafeez in Facts On 3rd January 2018

A 33-year old woman from Beaufort, North Carolina was returning home from work late one night in January.

She saw something in the middle of the road and slowed down.


The nearer she came, the clearer the object became. But this was no object — in fact, it was a small child on its own.

So she slowly approached the object with her car.


The "child" turned out to be anything but. It was a dummy that had been dressed up to look like a child.

Thankfully, she stayed in her car, because she soon saw that two men were approaching her vehicle wearing dark hoodies.

They attempted to get into the car by repeatedly pulling the door handles.

They were unable to get into the car because the doors were locked. From there, the woman contacted the authorities once she was at a safe distance.

When the police arrived, they found the doll but there were no traces of the men.

As a result of this incident, police are advising all drivers to continue moving when they come across these types of dummies on the road.

In a statement, Major Jason A. Wank said that in situations like these, driving away is "absolutely the right thing to do."


Thankfully, deputies were able to find the perpetrators thanks to some tips that were given the Sheriff’s office.

The culprits turned out to be three children, aged 10, 14, and 17. One of the perpetrators told police that the whole thing was just a 'prank'.