Some Of The Craziest Offers People Have Turned Down

By Missy aka Tizzy in Facts On 24th December 2017

It's Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas

One staff member was approached at a work Christmas party by his boss' wife. She wanted him to join her and her husband for a threesome. He declined the offer even after she offered to pay him $5,000.


A Subtle Proposal

This particular guy turned down the woman of his dreams all because she proposed too soon. She caught him off guard, and he was not feeling it. What made the situation worse was that she proposed in front of a crowd of people, and he had to say no.


Casino Royale

One man won $150,000 and attempted to tip the employee working the table $10,000. Because it was a government ran casino, the worker had to decline the offer. I don't think I could do it. I would have to take a break and accept that tip on the slide.


While at a local taco stand, one man observed another drop a whole wad of $100 bills. He picked up the money and returned it to the guy who dropped it. What makes this story messed up is that the guy did not even thank the man for his honesty.

Decimal Point

One 16-year-old got his first paycheck with one pretty big mistake. The check was printed out with the decimal in the wrong spot. Instead of cashing the check, he turned it in pointing out the mistake. Since he was so honest, he ended up getting a raise.

Not Committing a Crime

It is a no-brainer that a guy should not have sex with a woman who might not have all of her faculties at the moment whether she be high or drunk. This guy turned down an attractive woman who came on to him while she was obviously high and out of her mind.



One guy has a massive crush on a girl all through high school, and the guy she was dating was a total tool. One day, his crush asked him if she should date her best friend. He told her yes because he was not a selfish guy and just wanted her to be happy. His crush is now married to her best friend, and they have two kids together.


One guy found a wallet that had over $1,000 inside of it. He turned the wallet in even though he was a broke college student. He ended up getting a long thank you from the guy who's wallet it was as his reward.


This guy was still in love with his ex-wife, and they had a family together. At some point, the ex asked if he wanted to get back together. He declined and was able to find happiness on his own. They are both much happier now.


Staying Faithful

This guy was offered a threeway with two attractive girls while visiting another city. He turned it down because he was engaged. He knew there was no way that he would get caught but decided to stay faithful instead.

A New Leaf

A recovering drug addict found two bags full of heroin and other drugs. He turned it in instead of ruining his sobriety.


This guy got an offer from a close friend who is a math wizard. He wanted them to become partners in a money laundering scheme. He declined the offer, but the friend went on to make $250,000 in a year without getting caught.


After a night of partying, this guy walked his crush home. Once at her house, she made a move on him. Knowing that it was not normal behavior, and she probably would not have done it if she were sober, he declined and went home.


People who suffer depression often have suicidal thoughts. This guy talks about how he overcame the urge to kill himself. He says he is now in a much better place after getting help for his depression.

Doing the Right Thing

Think about the last time you chose to do the right thing. It might not have been of any personal benefit. But, you are a hero in your very own way. This is our way of thanking you for being awesome!