
The Definitive Ranking Of Jim Carrey's 15 Best And Worst Characters

By Michael Avery in Entertainment On 1st January 2017

15. Remember Fun With Dick and Jane?

Let me refresh your mind. It's about a couple who turn to crime to pay for the life they'd grown accustomed to. He's Dick Harper.

14. He was the Riddler in Batman Forever, and it was a dark moment in all of our lives.

Really those last two Batman movies from the 90's ruined lots of careers.

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13. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective was probably his most iconic role as a man of the animals who spoke their language.


12. Yes Man starts simple enough with Carl Allen, a man who has a bad time at life until he starts saying "yes" to everything.

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11. Bruce Almighty gave Jim the power of the man upstairs, and he obviously uses it to cure disease and ease suffering in the universe.

10. Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas put Jim in a Grinch suit that would make anyone feel claustrophobic.


9. Disney's A Christmas Carol had Jim as Mr. Scrooge learning the meaning of Christmas.

8. The Cable Guy was an underrated classic portrayal of Chip the cable dude that shook me to my core with how intense it was.

It also showed off Jim's acting chops.

7. Lloyd Christmas was beloved in Dumb and Dumber, one of the classic movies that was PERFECT as a standalone movie that has no sequel.

I don't acknowledge the sequel.


6. Count Olaf in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Count Olaf gave us Jim as a menacing villain and gave a new generation a reason to fear a tall, lanky jester.

5. Of course, Stanley Ipkiss in The Mask is next.

He awakened the possibility in all of us that we too could be manic balls of energy if we too put on... masks.

4. Horton was a cute lovable elephant just trying to do the right thing in Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who!


3. Fletcher Reede had the horrifying superpower of never lying in Liar Liar.

2. Joel Barish in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind was epic because of how depressingly captivating the character is.

1. Truman Burbank in The Truman Show was ALL of us because he realized the whole world is a sham.

AKA us in our 20s when we find out it doesn't matter how hard you work, it's all about who you know.


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