The healthy aspects of having more sex
#1: Burn calories
Okay, so having sex everyday isn't going to replace trips to the gymnot regular sex, anyway. However, you do burn about five calories per minute while giving your cardiovascular system a little something to do, and if you get a little creative you even turn it into a little pilates session. So go aheadget busy for thirty minutes a day, four days a week and see if you don't start to tone up a bit.

#2: Relieves stress
Everyone knows sex can provide a very immediate release of stress. However, research shows it can also provide more consistent, long-term stress relief as well. Some smart folks at the University of West Scotland have showed that all the endorphins and oxytocin released during sex activate pleasure centers in the brain that help stave off anxiety. Thus, people who get busy at least once every other week were better able to manage stressful situations.

#3: Relieves pain
(Of course, "stimulation without orgasm" can also do the trick, but that's no fun.)

#4: Lowers Blood Pressure
Now, I'm not saying if you have high blood pressure you should suddenly start having tremendous amounts of sex. Do like the Viagra commercials say and ask your doctor if you're healthy enough for sex. Then, if he says you, get your freak on like it's going out of style.

#5: Reduces risk of a heart attack

#6: Improves sleep

#7: May give you healthier skin
I'm not saying sex will make you look like some super sexy stock photography model, but apparently it can help your skin be a little healthier. You see, during sex your body produces a magical hormone called DHEA that, among other things, can give you healthier skin. So skip the $30 exfoliant rub and just have more intercourse.

#8: May make you look younger
Tell that to your thirty-something wife or girlfriend and see if it doesn't get you more action.

#9: May reduce the risk of prostrate cancer
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month were less likely to get prostate cancer, which is awesome news.

#10: Strengthens the immune system
There may be no cure for the common cold, but lots and lots of sex can ward it off. That's because people who have more sex have more of the antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA), which fights off viruses. And the benefits of this have been confirmed by various studies that show people who have more sex take fewer sick days.

#11: Boosts libido
But why is craving sex more good for your health?