The Man Born With No Penis Says He Slept With More Than 100 Women Who Never Knew.

By Michael Avery in Bizarre On 7th October 2015


Apparently, Wardle claims to have slept with more than 100 women in his life, most of them in one-night stands. His strategy was to woo women, get them into bed, and then use his well-practiced skills to pleasure them so effectively that there was no need for them to even seen his naked pelvis, let alone touch it. From this quote, he actually sounds like a perfect date:

"I knew my way around a woman's body, I knew my way around their mind. I was very confident in bed of what I could do to them so they wouldn't come near me and they were finished and I was fine."



He also indulged liberally in drugs, including ecstasy, amphetamines, and LSD, and would use the side effects as an excuse to avoid vaginal intercourse. But any guy who can still perform orally after taking a cocktail like that deserves a medal.



Most impressively, Wardle has a long-term girlfriend who only recently learned about his condition. Fedra is from Hungary, and initially their relationship was long-distance a strategy employed by Wardle to avoid sex. When she eventually moved in with him, he claimed he had a microchip implanted in his kidney for medical reasons, and couldn't consummate the relationship for that reason. In fact, she only learned the truth about his condition when he took his story to the media. She had to read about it in the newspaper with everyone else.


While she was angry at first, Fedra, now 24, has since forgiven him. She has pledged to stay by him through the four painful surgeries he will undergo before his penis is ready for primetime. She's definitely a keeper. And it sounds from his previous dates that he is, too.