The Meaning Of The Doodles That We Draw Without Thinking

By Muk Khatri in Life Style On 8th May 2018

#1 Animals

Meaning: Animal doodlers are usually sensitive to living creatures. If people draw the similar animal time after time, it means they relate to it.

#2 People

Meaning: The expression on a doodled face is often a good indication of the mood or character of the person who has drawn it and their emotions are very stable.

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#3 Flowers

Meaning: Drawing flowers as your doodles suggest femininity. This is why girls are seen to draw flowers while they doodle and happy with what's going on in their life and love dreaming of pleasant things.


#4 Stars

Meaning: Stars show a sentiment confidence. People who draw stars love standing out and being the center of attention and are very romantic.

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#5 Arrows


Upwards arrow indicate feelings of ambitiousness

Downwards arrow means you are self focused

Leftwards arrow means you are stuck in the past

Rightwards arrow means you look forward to the future

#6 Wavy Lines

Meaning: Wavylines are a particularly common doodle and show energetic thinking and it also means that other people issues don't trouble them much.


#7 Squares

Meaning: Squares indicate more aggressive masculine characteristics who have clear goals and never hide their opinion and are insistent and stubborn. They indicate a desire to be constructive.

#8 Circles

Meaning: People who draw circles are lonely and feel cut off from the world.