The Perfect Careers For Each Of The Zodiac Signs

By Editorial Staff in Zodiac and Horoscope On 16th June 2017


Aries are natural born leaders, and as such they have an easy time translating that authority into becoming one badass boss. But heads up: You're not the best at working for a boss, as you can become irritated by micromanagement and restriction. Don't worry, Aries—you'll rise to the top in no time…that is, if you make sure to finish what your start. Possessing strong interpersonal skills is important for you, since follow-through isn't your forte," says Fox. "You tend to start lots of projects, but you don't actually finish many of them on your own. That's where a good, supportive team of friends or colleagues comes in: They can take your bold ideas and run with them."

Ideal careers: Anything having to do with competition or physicality is right up your alley. Think: outdoor guide, personal trainer, athlete, or working for a sports organization. And, as mentioned before, a CEO or other management professional isn't far off—you like being in control, and do best when you can offer your insight to a support team to execute.

Careers to avoid: Any mundane, detail-oriented desk jobs.


One of the things a Taurus enjoys most is stability. They will work very hard for certain guarantees—good benefits, vacation time, salary, job security. Determined, patient, honest, and methodical, they are excellent team members and extremely dependable. Taurians have a fondness for beautiful things and love working with flowers, food, jewelry, and luxury items. They are also known for their clear, strong voices and do well as an announcer, public speaker, or receptionist. Best jobs: accountant, educator, engineer, lawyer, designer, landscaper, chef.

Careers to avoid: Any job that involves taking too much financial risk.

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The Gemini is optimistic and inquisitive. If you're a Gemini, you're also intelligent and energetic. These qualities make the Gemini most suitable for careers in:

Travel - Use your inquisitiveness and energy to help customers get to new places and discover new things.

Nature - Inquire about the earth and use that intelligence to discover new things about it.

Traveling sales - Experience new places and people with your boundless energy.

Business - Harness your energy and optimism to change a corporation from the ground up.

Careers to avoid: Serious or mundane jobs that are extremely detail-oriented.



The crab is a tough creature on the outside but soft and gentle on the inside. This zodiac sign is governed by the Moon, and as such, these individuals are often described as enigmas. They are also energetic, dramatic, kindhearted, imaginative and protective.

Careers suited to Cancer:





The following careers suit Cancer’s protective and nurturing instincts. As a lawyer or a psychologist, Cancers can help individuals in need. Oceanography is particularly well suited to Cancers because they have crab for a zodiac symbol with strong connections to the ocean. Becoming a baker would allow them to exercise their creative skills and enjoy comforting and nurturing their customers with their food.

Careers to avoid: Isolating Jobs that involve constant oversight and no creativity.

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#5 LEO

You have so many talent and abilities, it's practically impossible to be aware of everything you can do for a living. You're confident, smart, and have amazing leadership qualities so it's not rare for Leos to be actors, talk show hosts, celebrity stylists, politicians, fashion designers, and entrepreneurs. However, as much as you shine with the spotlight on you, your abilities aren't limited to showy careers and jobs. Your unexpected careers range from a painter, sculptor, and museum curator, to a historian and set designer.

Careers to avoid: Any job where you are out of the spotlight.


Virgo—ever the perfectionist and ever at the service of others. A natural follower, you're compassionate and considerate and you take direction well. As a boss, you're practical and protective, while demanding the best from others. You have a tendency to be hard on yourself—harder than anyone else—so you need to be reminded by others not to get lost in the details every once in awhile. You're basically the ideal employee.

Ideal careers: Virgos have amazing memories and their perfectionism means they deal well with mass amounts of information and know what to do when emotions run high. They do extremely well in the service and care industries—as servers, running shops, working the front desk, and as therapists—while they also excel at anything that requires mass amounts of research or stats—think fact-checker and editor, technician, translator, or detective.

Careers to avoid: Jobs that deal with a variety of people, who may not be as fastidious and perfectionist as you.



Libras—what would we do without them? They are good-looking and charming, gracious and entertaining. Their cooperative nature makes them excellent ambassadors and team leaders. If you ever have to deal with customer service over the phone, it will go much smoother if the operator is a Libra. More so than any sign, Libras are people people. They are not the type to slave away in some dark room; they thrive in buzzing, social environments. Many Libras gravitate toward the arts and will most likely be the lead singer of a band, interacting with the audience, rather than a brooding songwriter. Best jobs: diplomat, dancer, salesperson, host, negotiator, travel agent, supervisor.

Careers to avoid: Conventional jobs that lack creativity and independence of mind.


Scorpio is hard-working and highly motivated. The Scorpio is also resourceful, intuitive, smart, and analytical. If you're a Scorpio, you'll enjoy jobs in:

Espionage - Find information and stay out of trouble using your intelligence and intuition.

Writing - Weave insightful stories of both fiction and non-fiction with your resourcefulness and intuition.

Physics - Make use of your analytical thinking and motivation.

Research - Showcase your analytical thinking and intellect.

Careers to avoid: Anything you perceive as shallow or materialistic.


Like their astrological symbol - the Archer - Sagittarians are well-known for setting their sights towards a target and hitting their mark. If they want something, they put in all the effort to get it. Their belief system is unshakeable; in themselves and also in spiritual matters. They also have a natural zest and hunger for life and therefore they seek out new experiences and adventures. Sagittarius’ find it very difficult to stay stationary; they have a constant need to explore. They also have very big hearts and are very caring individuals.

Careers suited to Sagittarius:

Animal Trainer


Public Relations Person


The above careers allow Sagittarians to make use of their communication skills, satisfy their need for novelty and adventure, and allow them to work for causes they believe in.

Careers to avoid: Any full-time desk job..



You've got what it takes to succeed in practically any job — you're responsible, dependable, hard-working and motivated. You do what needs to be done, no matter how long it might take because you take that commitment very seriously. You tend to get jobs as a contractor, bank manager, engineer, web developer, and medical specialist. What you may not consider is that you'd also be good at being a writer, actor, producer, musician, artist, sex worker, or comic.

Careers to avoid: A financially risky jobs or a career where there is no room for advancement.


Status quo doesn’t exist for you. You are a rule breaker and visionary who finds inspiration in the new and eccentric (when others might shy away from it).

Your best jobs: Someone needs to do those “out there” professions: astronauts, inventors or technological innovators. (Extra "out there": skydiving instructors, Cirque du Soleil performers, radical activists.) While these jobs might not have a straight path, you have the innate skill set and disposition to find your way there.

Careers to avoid: Any conventional job that discourages independent thinking or differing opinions.


Pisces is the oldest sign in the zodiac and many Pisceans have that “old soul” feel about them. The key words here are creative and passionate. They excel in the traditional arts (music, dance, photography). Pisceans are also highly intuitive. If your stylist is a Pisces, she will not only give you a modern and unique haircut; she will also give you the haircut that fits you best. Many astrologers and tarot practitioners are Pisces. Their intuition also helps in fields that require compassion. Best jobs: artist, nurse, physical therapist, philanthropist, veterinarian, psychologist.

Careers to avoid: Any job that has a physically or psychologically grueling schedule or deals with the harsh realities of life.