Will you ever believe if you come across someone telling you that there is a sea that glows? If you ever plan to visit the Rao Atoll Islands in the Maldives, there is a chance of experiencing this wonderful story live! The sea water in one of the Rao Atoll islands in Maldives turn electric neon blue making it look like the strange blue alien world of the 2009 blockbuster 'Avatar' on our own planet.
You might wonder how is that possible ? Well, a natural chemical reacion 'Bioluminiscence' makes it so. The reaction is similar to the ‘glow’ that fireflies use to attract prey or mates. It may not be always seen on the shore line but the phenomenon commonly occurs when a microorganism is disturbed in the sea by oxygen. This may happen due to the ships that stir up the oxygen in the sea or currents and waves creating disturbance which causes the bioluminiscent bacteria to glow.
Who could imagine a side effect leading to something this wonderful ? Yes, this awesome night glow is a side effect of blooming 'red algae' called 'red tide' which can turn entire beaches scarlet and murky during day time. By night there is an increase in microscopic plankton which glow in the dark when disturbed by currents or waves.
The image by Perrine gives a serene and spiritual feel to the sea with the glow of a ship's lights on the horizon towards the right of the photo and the shining stars providing a beautiful contrast to the blue luminous sea.