These Gorgeous Fish Are Perfect For Your Saltwater Aquarium

By Missy aka Tizzy in Nature On 25th March 2018

Regal Blue Tang

You might recognize this fish as the breed used as Dory in Finding Nemo. They are easily identified by their brilliant blue color, oval-shaped bodies, and bright yellow fins. According to juvenile blue tangs are bright yellow with blue spots by their eyes, and their fins have light blue tips. They do not have fully blue bodies until they are fully matured. They are native to the Pacific Ocean but can also be found in some parts of the Indian Ocean. You will want to have coral in your tank with these as they eat the excess algae that grows on it.


Bicolor Dottyback

This pink and yellow fish is a real beauty. Don't you just love how the colors seem to divide its body perfectly? This fish is great for beginners as they are pretty low maintenance. Your tank should be at least 30 gallons and have a ton of live rock so they have plenty of hiding spaces. You should talk to the fish store staff before choosing tank mates for these fish as they can get very aggressive and should not be put with certain other fish because of that. They do not even do well with others of its kind.


Helfrichi Firefish

These gorgeous fish will make your aquarium just that much better. Just be sure that you do not put more than one in your tank or they will fight unless they are a bonded pair. They do well with other fish but are also territorial, so they can be a bit territorial. They need at least a ten-gallon tank or larger to spread their fins. They enjoy loose coral rubble as part of the decor. Also, be sure they have a tight fitting lid on their tank because they are jumpers.


Scorpionfish can be amazingly beautiful or super ugly depending on the kind you get. One thing you will need to be prepared for if you get one of these is to have a really big tank. They require at least a 50-gallon tank to survive. While they are not a real big fish, the reason for the larger tank is so that they have space to not injure other fish with their venomous spines. Don't let that worry you though. They are a very popular fish because of their hardiness. They do really well in an aquarium and are resistant to most fish illnesses. But, they are also predators, so their tankmates should be larger than they are.

Carberryi Anthias says that these are also known as Threadfin Anthias and come from the reefs of the Maldives. They are a purple-ish pink fish with yellow tails and fins. They are absolutely stunning to see in person. This is another species that will require a large tank, so think 70 gallons or more at least. The tank should also be species-specific, so do not plan to have a bunch of other fish in the tank with these beauties. But, let's face it. They are so amazing that you won't want any other fish in there to take away their shine.

Foxface Rabbitfish

This fish is so incredible that it almost looks fake. It almost seems like a Photoshopped picture, but rest assured, this fish is legit. This stunner should be kept in a tank that is 125 gallons or more in order for it to thrive. They are very peaceful except when kept with other rabbitfish. They do well with more aggressive fish because they can sense that they are venomous and will leave them alone.


Blue Green Reef Chromis

This brilliant blue fish would make a perfect addition to your saltwater aquarium. These fish grow to be about four inches in length and need an aquarium that is at least 30 gallons for it to thrive properly. They are a preferred fish for aquarists because they are so easy to take care of. Buying them in groups is preferred for the aesthetic look for the aquarium. Seeing them swim around in schools is truly an amazing sight.

Orange-spine Unicornfish

The Orange-spine Unicornfish is also known as the Blonde Naso Tang. These beauties love a big tank and will swim in schools or as pairs. Juveniles will prefer to swim around in the pebbles and lower rocks. If your tank is rich in coral and live rocks, this baby will be happy as they live off of the algae that grows on them.