These tremendously fantastic body art paintings that will blow your mind

By Editorial Staff in Amazing On 5th March 2014

#1: The artist painted a human face beautifully in a watermelon.


#2: Painted a woman's body with the surrounding of spring leaves.


#3: A man with cactus plant. This one is my favorite.

#4: Artist escaped his model by painting her as a beautiful flower.


#6: Splendid body art and snake!


#7: A man is being a part of double bass.

#8: Painted five people to make a frog.

#9: A tree! Can you see the difference? It's just so amazing!


#10: A woman is hiding in a tree.

#11: Cantaloupe melons and a human melon!

#12: Wow!! This is so incredible! A Pineapple face… I must say this artist know how to convert a human into fruit.

#13: Perfectly hiding a face in blue stones.

#14: A beautiful and almost original dry surface texture.

#15: Yes! It’s a human with tree logs texture. Surprised? I was too.