Things That Are A Super NO-NO For Men Over 27

By Editorial Staff in Funny On 6th March 2014

#1: Capes

You are neither a super-hero nor Dracula, grow up!


#2: Choker necklaces

If you keep wearing them someone will soon choke you with your own necklace.


#3: Crocs

This footwear will bring you shame in the corporate world and social world, and absolutely no girls!

#4: Scary jewelry

Skulls, bones or any type of demonic jewelry does not attract chics. Period.

#5: Shirt-less vest + tie mishmash

Unless you are a super hit celebrity with credentials of two, three super hit songs, this look is a total fail!

#6: Bogus tans

 Embrace your natural color!


#7: Hanging earrings

This is something that wouldn't look cool on any sort of man, at all.

#8: Bracelets, lots and lots of them!

Trying to compete with girls, are we?

#9: Free, complimentary t-shirts

If a girl finds out about your free-stuff fever, she's never going to date you!


#10: Duster coat

You might feel the urge to hide your slow aging body but this is not the best way to do so

#11: Fake turtlenecks

Get real dude!

#12: Running shoes as daily shoes

Are you trying to prove you run daily? Well, the body will speak for itself!

#13: Fedora hats

The picture speaks for itself!

#14: Diaper pants

If you are trying to copy Justin Bieber then your mental age is suffering from downfall!