As 27% of Americans work remotely, concerns about health and happiness surface. Modeled by DirectApply as Susan, issues like poor vision and stress underscore the need for remote workers to maintain routines and positive connections.
This Is What Remote Working Will Make You Look Like In 25 Years
Many of us have begun working from home on a regular basis since the Covid-19 epidemic.
Although many find it to be a wonderful way of life, one startling model has definitely called into question that.
During the lockdowns, we all grew accustomed to working from home; as of September 2022, about 27% of Americans were still doing so, at least part-time.
While getting that ideal work-life balance and getting some more Z's in the morning from the journey to the office are undoubtedly benefits, we can't help but question what precisely working from home will do to our happiness and health in the long run.
And it's significantly worse than a fruitless Zoom conference or a shaky internet connection, according to a model created by the job search engine DirectApply.
A visual depiction of what remote workers would look like in 25 years is the remote working model, also known as Susan by DirectApply.
Due to a lack of physical exercise, she has poor vision, irritated eyes, dark bags under her eyes, and poor posture as well as a weight increase.
Additionally, Susan's prolonged computer hunches have caused her to develop "tech neck" and "repetitive typing strain."
Her hair has begun to thin, and her complexion has become pasty and wrinkled due to a lack of sunlight and Vitamin D.
She has also stopped going out as often.
In addition, her lack of social interaction and her solitary work environment are contributing factors to her stress levels.
Thankfully, there are steps we can take as remote workers to avoid becoming like poor Susan, which applies to millions of us.
Dr. Rachel M. Allan, a psychologist, stated on the job search website:
"Sticking to a routine that suits your life, your productivity levels and your job demands is essential to maintaining emotional health when working remotely."
Even though you don't meet your coworkers in person very often, psychologist Kate Brierton, one of the experts, emphasized the value of establishing and preserving positive working connections.
She said: "Going without human contact for long periods of time can lead to higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which raises blood pressure and has harmful effects on physical health."
Additionally, according to personal trainer Joe Mitten, maintaining your health requires being outside for exercise and fresh air.
Therefore, even though working from home may have some negative long-term repercussions, you may still achieve the ideal work-life balance without a commute by being social and taking proactive steps to take care of your physical and mental health.
Kate Brierton, Clinical Psychologist, advises to ‘remind yourself that you need down-time so you can stay healthy and be the best version of yourself both at work and home.’
‘Try to have a delineated home-working space if you can, ideally a separate room, but if that’s not possible, delineate the space with the way you lay out the furniture, use some house plants or pictures to mark your working space, or divide the floor space with a rug.’
‘Set a reminder up on your phone or screen to take regular breaks, getting up and moving around, eating and drinking properly and getting outside for some physical exercise if possible.’