Tourist Scams From Around The World Which Unfortunately Still Work Because Not Many People Are Aware Of Them

By Samantha in Nature On 9th May 2020


It is always easy to scam the tourists because not only they are new to the place but also because of the language barrier and cultural differences. While many locals are interested in helping them genuinely, there are also many who take advantage of their vulnerable situation. Most of the scammers are smart and they develop clever schemes to cheat tourists out of money and other valuable items.

Some of these scams are too obvious and if the tourist is smart enough, they won't fall for it but most of the time, these schemes are so subtle that the tourist never knows when they became a target of it.

Tourist scammers also know how to take advantage of locals laws and law enforcement, giving themselves an advantage against travelers and a get-out-of-jail-free card should their tricks go wrong.

To help people avoid trouble while on holiday, a UK-based travel website Just The Flight created an infographic where they share some of the most popular tourist scams and the locations they’re widespread in. We hope that once the pandemic is over and borders open, this guide will be helpful for you for your future travels.


#2 On the street


#3 New ways to extort money

#4 Stealing by playing mind games

#5 Subtle accidents that lead to stealing

#6 Always be prepared


#7 Be careful with drug dealers

#8 Charging a hefty price to tourists

#9 Oh so smart way!


#10 Beware of pickpockets always!

#11 The scariest ones!

#12 Fake insurance

#13 Take good care of your documents

#14 Be careful of the overly helpful locals

#15 Guilting you into paying money


#16 Warning!!!

#17 Overpriced bills

#18 Pay for nothing

#19 Distract you to pickpocket

#20 Protect your credit card details the most

#21 Always be extra careful when staying at a hotel


#22 Public opinion