Unfortunate Business Names That Need To Be Changed Right Away!

By Muk Khatri in Funny On 22nd August 2015

#1 Let's hope his first name isn't Sal.


#2 They've been working for more than four hours, should we be worried?


#3 Let's hope they don't serve them in white bowls.

#4 False advertising!

#5 You can also rent rooms by the hour!

#6 You never know when someone might take a gander down there.


#7 We prefer them salty.

#8 Hey, no judgments.

#9 Well I mean it is an overcast day...


#10 What, you've never played "just the tip" before?

#11 What, you've never played "just the tip" before?

#12 Can't help but feel strung out whenever I eat there.

#13 That acronym...with that line of work...come on.

#14 They're just f*cking with us now.

#15 It doesn't help that the sign is dirty, either.


#16 Well it isn't important to keep clean everywhere.

#17 Well it isn't important to keep clean everywhere.

#18 All love is beautiful.

#19 At least they're promoting a safe lifestyle.

#20 These burgers are unhealthy and make you wantonly lustful.

#21 Take us out to dinner first, Bill.


#22 Hey, we all have places to be...

#23 Aw come, who doesn't love tacos?

#24 The best funeral service you'll ever attend.

#25 Again...this had to be intentional.

#26 Super Mario's funeral parlor.

#27 The latest in anal technology.


#28 In some countries it's considered a delicacy.

#29 Sometimes you're not ready for all that jelly.

#30 Does wonderful under-the-hood work.

#31 Hey, it's got central heating!

#32 At least they're honest.

#33 "Oh sweet they opened up an outlet location!"


#34 Because dicks and funbags was already taken.

#35 Come on guys, it's not 1996.

#36 They're just telling it like it is.

#37 The pizza you'll remember for life.

#38 Please don't tell me this is in the U.K.