What it feels like the first time being drunk (Funny pictures)

By Editorial Staff in Funny On 7th March 2014

#1: Excitement

As you watch those shots get poured in front of your eyes.


#2: Nervousness

As you look down at each shot before you chug them.


#3: Deep Thoughts

"WTH did I just do?"

#4: Dancing Queen/King

You can't be dance the night away.

#5: Meeting A Stranger

And declaring them your best friend.

#6: Being An Angry Drunk

And coming up with dumb insults.


#7: Regretting Things Drunkenly Said

Should have not said that.

#8: Showing Unwanted Affection

You're not so hot.

#9: Getting The Munchies

Everything looks and taste so good.


#10: Then Feeling Like You're Endlessly Spinning

Non-stop record player baby.

#11: Inception

Actually feeling like everything around you is spinning.

#12: Throwing Up

You know it was going to happen eventually.

#13: Going Home

Felling awful, but trying to play it off like you feel amazing.

#14: Drunkenly Opening The Door

Opening the door is never an easy task while drunk.

#15: Not Ever Wanting To Face The World Again

Too drunk, get away world!