Whoever Designed These Needs To Find A New Day Job

By Missy aka Tizzy in Funny On 14th May 2018

Hairy Sink

We cannot tell what those brown marks on this bathroom counter are supposed to be. We can tell you that it looks like Chewbacca shaved and left his fur everywhere. It is not exactly aesthetically appealing. What do you think?

Dangerous Designs

While we are sure people will constantly trip trying to go down these stairs. We do not know about the rest of you, but the pattern is giving us a headache. The bug killer and cooking spray is even more dangerous. These companies that make generic products really need to rethink their packaging ideas. Someone could easily poison their family.

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Speaking of shitters

We do not want any parts of being on this baseball team. That is a name that is sure to follow you for the rest of your life. But, can we talk about this bathroom design? It looks like a bit of redneck ingenuity is all it takes to fix an error like this.


What & Wtf?

That is the worst acronym for karate that we have ever seen. But, we won't even talk about that. Look at that minion. It is terrifying. It is the thing that children's nightmares are made of.

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When you want to advertise your business through the use of appliques on cars, you might want to think about placement. When this guy drives around in his car with his windows down, it is a terrifying sight to see.

Sweet Drinks vs OCD Nightmare

That floor cleaner looks like a delicious drink for a hot day. We could just imagine how many people might have mistaken it for a drink and ended up in the E.R. Now, this elevator button wall is just a nightmare. Whoever did this can go straight to hell.


Animal What & You Had One Job

That does not even look like it says "Animals and Us." Where is the 'S'? As for the person who put that drain in, you had one job, and you failed miserably. The only time this might help is during massive flooding where the water actually gets to be higher than the drain.

Just Say No

It is almost like a life progression. It starts out when you are in school and you learn that drugs are bad. Then, you move into your college years where drugs are fun and cool. Now, you are stuck in a vicious cycle where you went from partying and smoking pot to doing more hardcore drugs. And finally, when drugs have totally taken over your life. It is pretty sad if you think about it.


Convenience be damned. That plunger brush is so unsanitary that I can feel the E-coli coming from the screen. Then, who thought putting a seat in front of a big pole was a good idea? The guy who did that needs to be fired immediately.


Positive Reinforcement and Huge Noses

It is always good to remind people to take a positive outlook on life. Whoever made this shirt, though, did not think it through enough. We cannot be the only people who read it as "Don't Be Happy, Worry." As for the puzzle, Cinderella's nose just ended up in an unfortunate spot. Now, she looks like she is related to Fiona.