Woman Adopts A Boy No One Wanted To Adopt: See What He Looks Like Now

By Aleena in Inspirational On 8th January 2023

Rustam is a little boy who was born with defects from his parents. He was placed for adoption, and not everyone is willing to open their hearts and homes to kids like him.


Fortunately, Rustam was discovered by a woman named Nika Zlobina, who was completing adoption documents when she came across his photo and life story. She then decided to find a loving home for Rustam, but she ended up adopting him along the way.

"I was preparing paperwork for an adoption and there was a database with photos of children, and I happened to see images of Rustam," Nika explained.


The first thing this woman did for this special boy created an Instagram account that would feature him alongside all of the other children looking for a family.


She included a video of Rustam dancing, which attracted many's attention. However, as many people had sweet words to share about Rustam, some posted mean comments. "Some said this 'freak' won't ever be adopted. I was terrified how many people wrote negative comments, and among them were young mothers with kids," Nika said.


Nika's primary goal was to dispel the widespread belief that adopting children with disabilities is not the best option. Nika desired that by describing Rustam's day-to-day activities, his many grins, and how he displayed enjoyment when he was with certain individuals, people would realise that these children deserve the opportunity to be cared for and should be given that chance.

“Everyone mostly wants blond beautiful babies to adopt, and there’s a long line for such kids; meanwhile, others suffer without parents,” Nika wrote.

Nika wrote that this adoption served as an inspiration to other people who were planning to welcome a child into their lives in this manner. “One woman wrote that she was afraid to go out with her daughter who has Down’s Syndrome, adding that my posts give her courage; and now she does not hesitate to go for walks with her daughter,” Nika posted.


Of course, there are always looks and comments from outsiders, but Nika and her husband do everything they can to protect their son and teach the world that being different is not terrible. Indeed, it is the differences that keep the globe round.

Rustam is now nine years old and living the best life he can.