You Will Never Guess What Happens When You Wrap Your Feet In Aluminum Foil

By Missy aka Tizzy in Facts On 27th December 2017


Aluminum foil is one of those things that you can find in just about anyone's kitchen. It is one of the most versatile household items ever created. But, did you know that it could be used as a remedy for the common cold? For this, you will need to wrap your feet in five layers of foil.



Aluminum foil contains anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to mitigate your cold symptoms. If you leave your feet wrapped for at least two hours, you should start to feel better.



Foil can also help if you have been burned. Medical researchers have even suggested that doctors treat burns this way. Before applying the foil, wash and dry the area. Put on your ointment and some clean gauze. Then you wrap it up in foil and keep it fastened with some tape.


Your aluminum foil can also be used as an energy booster. Put a few strips of foil in the freezer and leave them for a couple of hours. Then, remove them and place the cold foil on your eyelids and cheeks. This helps the muscles in your face relax and you will feel a greater sense of calm.


The last thing that you can use your foil for is soothing aching joints. If you have sciatica or gout, wrap foil around the part of the body that is affected and limit your movements. Leave the area wrapped for a full 24 hours. You can repeat this over ten days. You will be amazed at how fast the pain starts to go away.