These video game ads hit every point across the offensive spectrum from racism to sexism
You Won't Believe These Video Game Ads That Actually Made It To Print
I guess we now know where this entire toxic mindset started.
What should we point out first? The fact that this ad insinuates that women don't play video games or that they're only around to please men?
What a truly disturbing angle. Was the marketing team composed entirely of 14-year-old hormonal boys?
Was the game truly so terrible that you couldn't mention any of its actual features and had to rely on cheap strategy?

So it's that small? *whoosh*
Also maybe don't target underage persons with sexualised advertisements?
Just. Don't.
The fleshy exterior. The hair. the PlayStation button shapes, the man at the doorway and the objectified woman. All of this is just so upsetting.
PlayStation had to know what they were doing here. In this day and age, it is completely unforgivable for them to have published this.
Who approves these. There have to be at least 15 people in the chain of command who could have chosen to just say no. but they didn't and here we are. This trash is now out in the world to see and we're sorry we are the ones to have to share it.
So we read the whole copy. We analysed the image for at least 20 minutes and we still couldn't tell you what the h*ll is going on here.
Please tell us. We're seeing this in our nightmares now.
Burn it with fire. We need eye bleach. Just make us unsee this somehow. This ad by worm world seems to want to make a point here but what it is, we don't know.