#1 This extreme game of X’s and O’s

#2 This bulldog clip rockstar

#3 Why play video games when you have time to make your own M and M’s games?

#4 This incredible ‘Shopping List’

#5 This player who is made of dolla dolla bills

#6 This extreme attempt at tight rope crossing

#7 This fantastic use of photo shop

#8 This great example of multitasking…

#9 This king of all the selfies

#10 This clever decoration of facial hair

#11 These strange, yet odly impressive children

#12 This ‘Martha Stewart’ level arts and crafts

#13 This TPippy Longstockings

#14 This lover of pie

#15 This calendar Scorpion

#16 These adventures of the most well traveled cat

#17 This meticulously stacked bathroom decoration

#18 This cuddly Audi

#19 This spectacular use of accessories both living and not

#20 This artistic recycling of old boots

#21 This ALMOST perfect pattern…

#22 This intense game of extreme Jenga

#23 This feline defense mechanism